Well, I see that Fred over at Skewed as a mild case of the panties in a bunch. I want to offer a sincere apology to those who might be offended by what they read in this post. Yes, I took a bit of a shot at Michael J. Fox. I respect him, and wish him well in his battle with Parkinson's, but trust me, if the Republicans ever trot out someone with an illness for the sake of political gain, I will take the same shots at them. Anyway, on with the show:
I sit here a man without a party. Politically speaking, I'm on the outside looking in. I was a Libertarian, borderline Republican. Lately, I'm so tired of the endless stream of crap being forcefed to the voting public that I've washed my hands of the major parties. I can find no reason that any party would be worthy of my membership. Is that a hint of self-importance I detect? Yes, it is. I'm actually an informed voter, so to speak, which scares the living daylights of out Joe and Sally Congressman.
Informed voters actually have a radar that detects crap from a great distance. Recently, any informed voter within... aw crap, on the globe, has realized that every single politician in Washington, DC is more absorbed with what kind of power they've gained, rather than the fact that, with said power, these people can actually effect great change in this country. I'm usually all for people having personal responsibility, but hey, Congress actually can do something about eliminating poverty. It can be done. You don't have to raise minimum wage to do it, either. But how? First, a quick lesson. Minimum wage rises, this is salary. If your continue to sell your products or services for the same price as you did before minimum wage was increased, you quckly lose money. Businesses are, for all intents and purposes, legally obligated to make money. If minimum wage goes up, the price of products goes up. If people have more money, but are in turn spending more money, then where's the gain?
The best proposition I've seen is the Fair Tax (go to fairtax.org for a lesson). If Congress would actually enact said bill, the salary average across the nation would rise. People would have more money, because our lovely imperial federal government wouldn't be taking so much of it.
But why would Congress care about you? I'm all for humanitarian work, but we need to realize that the region we've totally screwed over on this globe gains most of it's humanitarian aid from groups we've labelled "terrorist." I don't care which side of the aisle decided which people were terrorists, someone in Hamas or Hizb'allah has done something right. I don't agree with their methods, but they at least help rebuild what they blow up (most of the time). Congress, though, is spending billions of your hard-earned tax dollars every day to help people you'll never meet, but you have to take their word that the money is going to a good cause.
The Republicans have quagmired us. The Democrats are mad because a gay Republican (a crime in itself to dems) had sex with an intern, while they give Gerry Studds (RIP) a standing ovation for the same act. They, being the dems, have run Michael J. Fox out to complain about stem cell research not being funded. I've got news Michael, just because the feds aren't funding something doesn't mean it isn't being funded. Now sit down with the rest of Hollywood and keep your freakin' opinions to yourself. That being said, I have nothing but respect for Michael J. Fox. I wish he could recover from Parkinson's, but the fact remains that stem cell research has not been proven to cure disease, only to slow it down. Until that time, I think I can find better things for my tax dollars to be going to. It's almost like the last election and before the Iraq war. Jeanene Girafolo comes out with an ad saying "What has Saddam Hussein ever done to us?" Well, not us exactly, but a million Iranians and Kurds would kindly disagree. The Hollywood left needs to calm down. Especially this Air America bunch of worthless little guttersnipes.
The Republicans keep saying "stay the course", "run the race," well, I think the race has been postponed. We've pretty well ticked everyone in the region off. No one realy listens to us anymore. Do I blame Bush for it all? No. Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, Carter, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, they've all got some blame to carry. Clinton was offered bin Laden twice by Sudan, but we would have had to remove Sudan from our terror watchlist. At the time, not such a great idea. Now? Might should've looked a little deeper into it. The answer does not lie with the United Nations. As my friend Robert has pointed out, the US, as the reigning superpower, does not give the body enough respect. Of course, they aren't exactly the bastion of credibility over the past decade. From planning to let Iraq and Iran co-chair the weapons council and Libya chairing the human rights council to the oil-for-food fiasco that was conveniently swept under the rug, the UN sits in New York derisively mocking the free world.
Well, I'm spent, so let's quickly recap. The Democrats spend too much money. The Republicans are essentially democrats with guns. The Libertarians, if they could ever actually give a crap about anything, might be a viable option. A voter revolution nears. Don't take that as the epic "Oh my, revolution." One day, the voters will wake up to your crap. One day Joe Taxpayer is going to say "Hey, what are you doing with this money?" What will your answer be? Think about it, Washington. How are you going to respond to the millions of voters in this country when they get fed up with your nonsense. It's not about having power, Congress, it's about accomplishing change with your power.