Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Quick Hit: Voting

Well, I voted. Am I bragging about it? Just a bit.

You have a right to vote, so you might aw well use it. I only wish that some people weren't allowed to vote. Now I can already hear the gears grinding in your politically correct heads: Oh my, he's from the south and he doesn't want people voting. He must be racist. He probably would beat up people to keep them from reaching the polls. Well, you're wrong.

The fact that people were denied the right because of the color of their skin is horrifying, but at the same time I don't think we should forget the past just because it troubles us. No, I don't want ignorant or stupid people voting. I don't want to hear the phrase: "Well, the Republicans suck so the Democrats would do better in office." First off, why exactly would the Democrats do better in office? All I'm asking is that, if you do go to the polls today and vote in this mid-term election, please be at least somewhat informed of the candidates and theirs stances on the issues.

Personally, I wanted to send a message to the GOP that I'm unhappy with their leadership. So did I vote Democrat? Nope. I voted mostly Libertarian. You see, the Libertarian Party is closely related to the Republican Party, in that both originally stood for smaller and less invasive government. The GOP has left that ideal, but the Libertarian Party still remains mostly allied with it. As such, a vote for the Libertarian candidate is a vote the Republicans lose, but at the same time a vote the Democrats do not win.

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