Saturday, November 11, 2006

Veteran's Day

The Bank is Closed. The mail won't be running today. Across the nation at sports venues the National Anthem, although the same as any other day, will have a bit more meaning to it. It's a holiday. Not Christmas, New Year's, or Valentine's Day. It's Veteran's Day.

It's a day when we stand up across the nation and honor the veterans who have fought and died for this country. From the Revolution to Iraq, men and women have placed their lives in danger to protect you.

My uncle fought in Vietnam, my grandfather was in the Army during the Korean Conflict, and thankfully he was never deployed. Over the last few days in the shop I work in I've rented Penske Trucks to two veterans of the current Iraq War.

World War II witnessed the "Greatest Generation," a moniker that I'm not especially thrilled with, but that's another story for another day. The entire nation mobilized to survive that war. Then came Vietnam, a fierce battle that saw returning soldiers being spat upon by peaceniks. Presently our soldiers are being called murders and thugs. Dennis Kucinich claimed that they were ordered to assassinate civilians in cold blood.

I'm not quite sure exactly when the change occurred. I don't know why some people harbor such hatred of our military. But I thank the soldiers, and I thank God above for watching over them.

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