Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Almighty 21, part a

In honor of this 21st post (hey, Rennie, tell Fred I'm ripping you off again) I'm listing 21 things that matter, don't matter, might not matter, and just plain tick people off.

21. Soccer. Did anyone else watch this glorified game of tag that happened over the summer? I'll admit, they are athletes, but dang it, if they ever stubbed their toe they'd be in a coma for three weeks.
20. 5 Years. 9-11-01.
19. School Starting. I'm glad to be back, but it's really just the daily grind now.
18. F1 vs. NASCAR. I keep asking Rennie why Nascar is a redneck sport, but F1 is okay. He's yet to give me a good answer.
17. The Girl in the Blue Shirt. Just ask me sometime.
16. Old Friends. I ran into one of my old friends today. Good to see people like that.
15. The Chartreuse Shirt. My friends will get it.
14. Notre Dame. It thrills me to know that Notre Dame isn't as good as everyone thought they would be. Good times.
13. The Fall of Facebook. Yes, it happened. Every time college students catch a break there's always a twist.
12. The Braves. This years marks the first time since I was in elementary school that the Braves missed the playoffs.
11. When schools misspell. Yes, I got an email from the school that even had a misspelling in the title, can you find it: "Attention Summer Greaduates"

Join us next time for the Top Ten and a special commentary by Sanjay.

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