Saturday, September 23, 2006

A Response to the Critic(s), Greater Good amendment 2

It has come to my attention today that one of our colleagues over at The Skewed View, a colleague who shall remain nameless, had some right nasty things to say about us here at The Right Wing. Apparently, among the many things this person takes issue over, is the hiring of Sanjay. Sanjay was angry, and rightly so. In the short time that Sanjay has been with us here at The Right Wing, our readership has doubled (albeit from 2 to 4) but still, you can't argue with 200%. Now how much validity to give to sirs argument about topic theft I cannot answer. He appears to believe that neither The Right Wing or The Fallen-ish would be around if it weren't for him. I say this, get a grip. To give a tip of the hat to South Park, which is something I shudder to do, "Simpson's did it!" There are no longer any original ideas. Every idea that comes about now is a result of a previous idea, and if everythin works properly, the new idea will expand and improve upon the old one. So, to sir who feels it to be his duty to enter into a vehement tirade against fellow bloggers, wait.... hold on... where is it?... I can't find it. What am I looking for, you ask? Simple: My concern.

The Greater Good

Now, joking aside, I feel the need to apologize to the Greater Good. This is a very simple idea, and if I personify the Greater Good in my writing, then so be it. However, today I was supposed to visit a friend. This was a plan we had in the works for a number of days. On my way over, he calls me to say that his dad wants to go see a movie and that our plans are now on hold. I was angry, upset. Ticked off a little bit. And I shouldn't have been. The Greater Good was definitely not pleased. There was no excuse for it, except good old fashioned selfishness. Who am I to get angry when someone's father wants to do something with their kid? It was petty, and yet I indulged it as though I would never have an opportunity to see my friends again. How fragile is the human psyche that little things like that can burden us down so? In my case, the worst part was yet to come, as I called another friends and began to make plans for Sunday night, when he said that he and a group of my friends were going out of town for part of the day and wouldn't be back until late Sunday night. This really upset me because, even thought I would be unable to go, I wasn't even told about it until today, and that was only because it interferred with our plans for tomorrow night. These people are my friends. They've never wronged me, and I'm certain this was just a lapse in judgment. I was having a great day, and then this happened. I'm asking myself now how something like that could shake me so. Perhaps I'm just not as strong in the Greater Good as I thought...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never fear - Fred is getting a SERIOUS docking of is pay... no good copy editor...

And for the serious part I can only say... such is the life of modern humanity. We seem less and less attached to one another.

Channel the chi my dear Budda and all will be well.