Friday, September 29, 2006

The Almighty 21, part b

10. Matisyahu. More fun than you can shake a stick at, although I've always wondered what kind of fun people were having that shaking sticks was actually involved. By the way, Matisyahu is on my playlist right now.
9. College Football. Yes, it's no. 9. Makes you wonder what 8 things could possibly be better, eh?
8. Musical change of taste. If you get the chance, go to and look up Varttina, Gjallarhorn, Loituma, etc. Finnish music is in!
7. Bass blasters and the idiots who drive them. I like to listen to music loud when I'm driving, but these nuts take it to the extreme. If your bass is drowning out my bass, and I'm over 1/4 miles away, you're too loud.
6. Israel. I know that this is a contentious point, but to the people that say Israel lost the war with Hizb'allah, the only reason that happened is because the world community (read: bunch o' appeasers) kept telling Israel to quit bombing the crap out Hizb'allah. Do I support everything Israel's done? No. I do think that they should be allowed to defend themselves. Everytime the world says "Israel, you should back off," Israel gets attacked. I say let 'em go next time.
5. CE & BCE vs AD & BC. Let me get this straight, history department. We're now calling it BCE and CE (Before Common Era, Common Era) but the date changes remains at the same spot. So in a way were saying "Thank you, Jesus, for changing our measurement of time. We're not going to say it was you anymore, but we'll always point back toward it." Nice.
4. Midterms. Well, lack thereof. *tips hat to Robert*
3. Madden. I was continuing my season on Madden '05, and tonight I rushed Michael Vick for 427 yards in one game. Dang straight.
2. Stargate SG-1. It was a good run, guys, but it looks like Sci-Fi has sold it's soul to Battlestar Gallactica.
1. Hockey. What else? The Trashers' season open Oct. 5 against Tampa Bay at Philips Arena. If you're there, I'll be in section 221.

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