Saturday, October 21, 2006

Bush and Space: again, a picture in every post

I'm taking what Rennie did and running with it. That's right, we here at the Right Wing are doing what we do best, stealing ideas and not even bothering to claim them as our own.

Apparently, the US has a plan for space. That's right, the big black area above and below our planet, and to the sides, you know, that place that turns blue when the sun comes up. We have a plan for that. Let's see, we know that, thanks to The Simpsons, the moon belongs to America, and we've sent robots to Mars, and now we've claimed the whole of infinity as our own.

It seems as though we're drawing closer and closer to Bush actually wearing a cape on stage. The outlandishness needs to end. We don't need a plan for space. How exactly do we plan to leave the planet and not plan to leave Iraq? Seems one should be easier than the other.

The scariest part, as pointed out by Rennie, is that we created a new Space Policy to replace the old Space Policy, but they are apparently the same. That's right, kids, it's typicaly U.S. Space Policy 2.0. We've levelled jurisdiction over the whole of God's creation. Way to go us.
Darth Bush today revealed the Death Star, a working model of George Lucas's ultimate weapon. Built using cheap labor and networked by Microsoft, flaws were immediately found in the design, such as faulty firewalls, a vast open infrastructure, and a small thermal exhaust port right below the main port.

When confronted with these flaws, Emperor Cheney ordered the designers executed and Darth Bush took command of the project.

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