Monday, October 09, 2006

Sickness, Random News, NHL

So, since Wednesday I've been sick. Apparently, this came as a shock to everyone, who thought I was impervious to illness and generally wandered about in a state of perpetual health.

Well guess what? I got sick. Very sick. The doctor described it as a sinus infection that had not only set up camp, but had invited three friends over for the weekend. The meds were great, and by great I mean god awful doses of horrible sleep and intermittent drowsiness. I was rendered incapable of operating heavy machinery, to say the least.

Well, now it's Monday. I'm over the sickness, but I have a persistent enough cough that I could give a cat pneumonia in 15 seconds.

Anyway, in lighter news, Kim Jong Mentally Ill and the goosesteppers of NK have fired off a nuke. Possibly two. They were small nukes, about 25 times smaller than the one that leveled Hiroshima. Still, expect the UN to say "Stop it!" and maybe even slap someone on the wrist. If the UN ever did hand out genuine punishment, you could expect to see Satan himself shopping for a parka.

The Foley case refuses to go away. I'm not saying I condone what he did, because God knows I don't. But isn't it just awful when a Republican has sex with an intern. Mr. Clinton, you can sit back down.

The NHL is underway. Thank God that true sport still exists. Should be intersting.

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