Monday, December 11, 2006

Let's Try to Get a Grip, Alright?

I'm a little dour as I sit here to type this entry. Yes, I'm glad the smester has ended, but tonight was not fun. I'll clue you in on some things: I'm single. I've been single for quite a while. It really doesn't bother me until I get the crazy relationship people asking "Why aren't you dating anyone? Where's your girlfriend?"
I'm cool every other time. Yes, I get depressed about being single, what guy doesn't? But I also realize that, as a single man, I don't have to buy things for a girlfriend, so I have more money. I've got some alone time, which after this last semester is a welcome break.

Tonight, the crap hit the fan in fun and exciting new ways. Maybe I'm being over-sensitive about it. My circle of friends at home isn't huge, there are about ten people in it. Tonight eight of us were together, just hanging out. I'm single and so is my friend. The other six are in relationships. It being Christmas time, we began to plan for the yearly party. Well, the couples began planning solely for themselves and left the two single people out of it. They probably didn't even recognize that they did, I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.

I became frustrated. There was no cause for me to be angry, but neither was there cause for the planning to become solely couples-oriented. This carried on for about an hour until I had had all I could stand. I stood up, grabbed my stuff, said goodbye, and left. I walked out the door on people who have been my friends for years. But this night wasn't my night, and I went over the edge.

So I stand here to say to my friends, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let it bother me. But seriously, you guys to get a grip, okay. I'm happy your in a relationship, but you don't have to rub it in my face that I'm not. I was okay being single, you've successfully made me feel like it's bad that I am.

Get over yourselves.

An Angry, but repentent, Blogger

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