Tuesday, August 22, 2006

They did what?!?!?

Okay, so it isn't over yet, but Sci-Fi Channel has announced that Stargate SG-1 will not be renewed for a record-breaking eleventh season.

For those of you not familiar with SG-1, you've missed out on so much.

The movie brought fans into the universe of the Gate in 1994, but the movie and the series differ so much the most fans prefer one over the other. Kurt Russell played Col. "Jack" O'Neil in the movie, and was about as stiff an actor as a 2"x4". James Spader played Dr. Daniel Jackson in the movie.

When the series came about in 1997, Showtime decided to go a different route. They brought in Michael Shanks to play Daniel Jackson and contracted Richard Dean Anderson to play O'Neill (now spelled with two "l"s). Over the years the series has taken subtle jabs at the movie. In one episode, O'Neill is speaking to a reporter and says "Remember, O'Neill, with two "l"s. There's another O'Neil who spells his name with only one "l," he has no sense of humor."

In the pilot epsiode, Major Dr. Samantha Carter says, upon finding the Dial Home Device (DHD), "it took us three years to McGuyver a rig like this for the gate on Earth." which brings a smile to Richard Dean Anderson's face.

After season 5, the show shifted from Showtime to Sci-Fi, closing out the Showtime run with the "death" of Daniel Jackson, and the (then) ultimate enemy, Anubis, looming on the horizon. Daniel returned in Season 7. Anderson left after season 8, prompting the show to bring in Ben Browder and Claudia Black (Farscape) as two of the new members of SG-1.

Has the show lost a bit of its original touch? Yes, but what show hasn't. It's sad that, with the imminent invasion of the newest baddie, the Ori, Sci-Fi has decided the show no longer worthy of it's Friday night lineup.

SG-1, you have a go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My sympathies Blake - I can relate.

The West Wing got a mostly classy exit - but without the promised one hour retrospective and a scant one hour finale, it felt like NBC was gently but firmly kicking WW out the door.

It sucks when a good series with good writing and a good cast are struck down - especially in your case with the rise of a new enemy...

...time for the fan fiction writers to take over.