Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Projection

So... here's the deal...

This projection stuff needs to stop. Now I understand that you can use certain figures and the like to project a winner, but when you can't project a winner in a state with 64% of its precincts reporting, but in a state with only 4% reporting you can project a winner, something seems fishy.

By the way, we need to do something about the Electoral College. I'm not saying we should eliminate it. If we did that, only the Democrats would win because they would focus only on California, New York, and Illinois, and essentially shun the rest of the country.

But if you made it to where if a candidate won the popular vote in a state, they received one electoral vote for that state, and the first candidate to 26 won, well, the Republicans would never lose, because more states are conservative, even if more of the population is liberal.

It's a bit of a broken system, but I don't have an answer on how to fix it.

Anyway, congratulations to whoever wins. If it's Barack Obama or John McCain, I give it about a year before the voters realize how badly they screwed up.

***As an interesting in a disturbing way bit o' news. I had two people come into the place I work today. One lady came in to send a fax, and while in the shop she answered a cell phone call, placing the caller on speaker. The conversation went as follows.
Lady: Hello.
Man's Voice: Hey, you, what's up? Where are you at?
Lady: I'm here at Copy/Signs sending a fax, then I'm going to vote. I gotta get my man Barack in there.
Man: Alright. Who's running with him?
Lady: ... I don't know.

I wish I could say I was making that up, but I'm not.

The other guy that came in works for a company that has a union. I say that, because when asked if he voted, he said "Yeah, I voted for Obama." My boss asked him if he knew Obama's running mate, and he froze up, and was genuinely embarrassed that he couldn't answer.

This is something you should know, because God forbid something should happen to Obama if he wins, this is who becomes President. Same goes for McCain. If you voted Republican, you better be okay with McCain's Veep candidate, because if he goes, she becomes Commander-in-Chief.

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