Thursday, October 23, 2008

Voting Irregularities

With the election roughly a fortnight away, I started thinking...

Recently, at work, I told one of our customers that I was going to vote mostly Libertarian, seeing as that is the party I most align myself with. She proceeded to say that a vote for anyone other than McCain would be a vote for Barack Obama. Now, I try to remain sensible about things, and I'd like to think that, when it comes to politics, I know a little more than the average bear, but I really had no clue that if you didn't vote for the Republican, your vote automatically counted for the Democrat. The way I see it, if I vote Libertarian, I'm telling both parties "Thanks, but no thanks."

Seriously, everyone on both sides of the aisle, get over this "if you don't vote for my guy, it's a vote for the other guy" crap.

Take the Georgia Senate race. Saxby Chambliss faces off against Jim Martin and Allen Buckley. Chambliss is the incumbent Republican, Martin is a Democrat and Buckley is a Libertarian. I'll be voting against Chambliss, because I plan to vote against all incumbents, regardless of party. But Jim Martin won't receive my vote, seeing as the man cannot properly talk about the Fair Tax in his campaign (yes, I know I linked a Chambliss ad, but it serves my purpose). I'll be voting for Allen Buckley, but according to my dear customer friend, my vote will apparently be counted for Jim Martin. (See, there's a Martin video, but again, he talks about price gouging by oil companies, who make roughly 7 cents on the dollar sold, while Washington is raking in 45 cents on the dollar sold, but the oil companies are evil, I keep forgetting that.)

In writing this entry, and the research I did for the writing of this entry, I came across something interesting concerning how votes are counted. It's actually in the U.S. Constitution. Amendment 34, Article IV, Section 19, Sub-section C reads: In accordance with state and federal regulations, in the course of state or national elections, all votes will be taken at a prescribed time, and once counted, all votes cast against my guy will automatically be counted for the other guy.

All I'm saying here is this: Think before you speak, and please, for the Love of God and all things Holy, think before you vote. If you cannot think of the name of your Senator or Representative, or even the Vice-President, please do the rest of us a favor and stay away from the polls in November. Go find a Vin Diesel movie to watch, or a coloring book to amuse yourself.

Thank You.
Good Night.
And may God bless.

I'm Blake Duncan and I approved this message.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah ha! Who knew the whole "if you don't vote for my guy, it's a vote for the other guy" garbage was actually Constitutional Law! I tell ya Blake, you really learn something new every day.

Be warned though. On November 4th, Skewed is going political. Very political.