Thursday, October 16, 2008

Giving Up???

I have to announce that I’m giving up. Not my run for Agricultural Commissioner, no, that still exists. I’m giving up hope. Hope in the American people. I really want to give people more credit than they deserve. I truly hoped that people weren’t so stupid.

But they are. The American people are flocking to Barack Obama in droves, and it saddens me. I really can’t believe that people desire a Socialist state so much. Obama has even said that he wants to spread the wealth around. This means that, at a fundamental level, Obama believes that wealth is a possession of the federal government and that he can pick and choose how it is distributed.

I think what saddens me most about this reality is that people actually believe it to be the role of government to provide for them. Health care, retirement, the government should handle these things. What school your kid goes to? Yep, government can do that, too. God forbid an individual in this country take personal responsibility when you can let the friendly federal government to it for you.

Oh, by the way, to accomplish Obama’s plan to spread the wealth, we’re going to take money from people who worked for it and earned it and give it to those who didn’t. Your neighbor owns a business that clears $500,000 dollars a year and you’re make minimum wage at McDonalds… well, you’re neighbor doesn’t deserve all that money. We should take some and give it to you because we have to spread the wealth around.

Obama and Biden are putting a wonderful glass ceiling on the American Dream. Under the guise of a “tax cut” or a “tax credit” (depending on the day of the week and the IQ level of the audience Obama is speaking to), they will punish those who succeed and reward those who merely exist. It’s become a typical mantra for the far left lately. The path of least resistance. It’s easier to bring the top down to the level of the bottom than to bring the bottom up to the level of the top.

Now I realize that I’m not giving up. I’m angry. Beyond angry. Both candidates are terrible choices, and both will grow government by leaps and bounds, but only one is promising the Socialist paradise of “spreading the wealth” instead of “creating and earning the wealth.”

During last night’s debate, John McCain landed the best punch of the campaign so far. In what is being called a “slip of the tongue” he referred to Senator Obama as “Senator Government.” Classic. And true. But at the risk of sounding racist, it’s a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

McCain managed a semi-successful attack during the debate, asking Obama why he had yet to repudiate Rep. John Lewis for comparing the McCain/Palin ticket to George Wallace and the segregationist movement. Obama danced around the topic, but if you listened carefully, he never once repudiated Lewis. At least McCain has tried his best to keep his Republican colleagues from smearing Obama. He’s tried, but hasn’t always succeeded.

Obama is an eloquent speaker. And that’s what is so confusing. He speaks just well enough to hide his true intentions. He never truly commits to one thing or another. It’s a master stroke in politics, but if the American voter would open their eyes just a little bit, they’d see the truth behind what he’s saying. They’d realize that Obama is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Sure he looks good on TV, but we’re not electing a public speaker, we’re electing a leader.

And frankly, Obama is not that leader.


Anonymous said...

Just come out the closet and admit that you're a conservative Republican, Blake.

Blake Duncan said...

I would admit to being a conservative Republican, if I were one. I'm a conservative Libertarian. Even the Republicans are too liberal for me. The government needs to get out of our lives... but instead both parties are trying to become more firmly entrenched...

Shep Dawg said...

I've heard the post turtle comment, and I completely agree. Nice job.