Friday, October 03, 2008

Veep Debate... yeah... well...

Okay, so last night Sarah Palin and Joe Biden squared off in their first and only debate as VP candidates. Oddly enough, the moderator of the debate, who is supposed to be a neutral party, has a book coming out soon entitled "The Age of Obama." Switzerland just called you a poser, I think.

Anyway, this was supposed to be the night Palin lost it all. I'm reading other online writings, and watching various news shows this morning, and I'm growing physically ill at the duplicitous nature of the liberal aspects of the media. When Nancy Pelosi won Speaker of the House, liberals were thrilled that a woman was third in line for the Presidency. Now that Palin is running for the number two spot, they're scared. Maybe they're only proud of liberal women.

Democrats for the last eight years have complained about Bush's lack of ability when it comes to public speech. Last night I felt that Palin was more down to Earth and Biden was reading a series of liberal talking points, and yet, people are now upset that she didn't go the stiff, numbers and stats only route.

The problem for Palin is this: she can NEVER do enough to satisfy anyone on the left. The fact that she's a woman and a Republican instantly gets under the skin of some. For years it's been assumed that women and minorities would always vote Democrat, and now that women are rising to positions of power on the right side of the aisle, the left is backing off of their previous desires for powerful women.

I heard one commentator last night say that Palin came to the stage desiring to reach out of the people, and she did just that. Biden came to the stage desiring to connect John McCain to George W. Bush as much and as often as possible. And he did just that. So which would be better for a country, a VP who tried to connect with the people, or a VP who does nothing but take pot-shots at the other candidate?

Oddly enough, I've seen about ten different online polls today saying anything from Palin won 80% to 20% to Biden won 51% to 49%. This is strange to me because the pundits on ABC and CNN last night were going out of their way to praise Biden as the be all end all Vice Presidential candidate. Honestly, you would've though Palin just stood there shaking on the stage and eventually throwing up the way these pundits were handing the victory to Biden.

From my perspective, Palin won the first half of the debate, and then Biden drew even with here at the end. It was a draw at best.

I try not to criticize my fellow bloggers, and Robert over at Skewed knows I have complete respect for his positions and beliefs. But I have to disagree, bud. Sure Palin didn't answer many questions they way you would want her to, if at all. But then again, Biden couldn't answer a single question about his future policies without saying something about the Bush administrations failures. He was wearing that like a badge of honor, which made it even funnier to me when Palin admitted that the administration had failed.

Like I say, it was a draw at best. Neither candidate drove their ticket forward, and neither candidate collapsed under pressure.

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