Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Good Tidings of Great Joy?

I need Academia.

I never thought I would say those words, but it rings more and more true everyday. I need to be in an Academic setting. It’s where I thrive. This real world stuff just isn’t cutting it.

I did learn a bit of good news, however. Appalachian State has a hope-giving device on their website. Appalachian State is very high on my list of Grad Schools. They have a good History Department, according to Dr. Jespersen, and that means a lot to me. So, back to this hope-giving device…

It’s a mathematical equation. (Don’t fret, Robert, I think we’re both safe.)

It looks like this:

UGPA(x100) + GRE V + GRE Q + GRE W(x100) = 1550

If you multiply your Undergraduate GPA by 100, and multiply your GRE Writing score by 100, then add your actual GRE score to that, so long as it equals a minimum of 1550, you will be considered for admission into the Appalachian State Graduate Program.

For me that equations looks like this:


That’s 219 points better. That makes me rather happy. It gives me hope.

Now, if only the money would work itself out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1855 Baby! Eighteen fifty-freaking-five.

Feeling a lot better now. Thanks!