Wednesday, December 03, 2008

It's Finally Over...

Thankfully, the 2008 campaign season in Georgia came to an end last night, with Incumbent Senator Saxby Chambliss staving off Democratic challenger Jim Martin in a run-off election. Chambliss had 57.4% of the vote with 99% of precincts reporting as of this morning. To me, this shows the value of the Libertarian Party in Georgia. Because there was no Libertarian candidate on the ballot in the run-off, most Libertarians (I say most, not all) likely switched their vote to Chambliss, as the Republicans are the closest ideologically to the Libertarians. In the General Election in November, Chambliss netted just under 50% of the vote. Considering that he came close to 4 million votes then, the nearly 8% more he gained this time out just shows the growing popularity of the Libertarian cause.

But that's not what this post is about. Your intrepid Right Wing reporter went out and obtained transcripts of two commercials, one from each candidate, that never hit the air waves.

The first commercial, from the Jim Martin campaign, reveals the depths of depravity these candidates were willing to go to in an effort to gain power. (Trust me, Chambliss doesn't fair any better.)

Saxby Chambliss doesn't have the best interests of Georgians at heart. He voted eighteen times to destroy the ocean. He supported George W. Bush's attempt at drilling for oil in space. He even voted to colonize Pluto, saying that a colony on a Disney character was alright with him. So please, on December 2nd, tell Saxby Chambliss that we don't need his stupidity in Washington. I'm Jim Martin and I approve this message.

Now, from the Chambliss campaign:

Jim Martin's record proves that he is wrong for Georgia. He voted to give himself a $35 million dollar per year pay raise, and he wanted to raise taxes on Middle Class Georgians by over $27 Gajillion dollars. Jim Martin has even gone on record saying that he doesn't believe it's wrong to beat kittens with sticks. And what's with his hair? Honestly, it looks like a squirrel died on his head. I'm Saxby Chambliss and I approve this message.

I gotta tell you, after seeing those transcripts, I'm glad we're not having another run-off.

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