Monday, May 19, 2008

Late Night Meanderings

If it isn't already painfully obvious, I'm running low on things to write. Robert told me once that he went through the same thing when he graduated. It's like all the material you once had has now completely vanished, and you, the writer, and stuck with months of writer's block. I've tried to stay busy with the election coverage. I listen to the news and seek out things to write.

Yet, for all I do, the material just seems to go further away. I do want to take a moment to answer some criticisms Robert threw my way after the last post.

- I am, in no way, a supporter of Barack Obama. I do not think that the most liberal senator in Congress is the right person for the job.

- I made the claim that criticizing Obama would land a person the racist label, and likewise criticizing Hillary Clinton would earn someone the sexist label. Robert says that only idiots would do that, and for as much as I would like to agree with him, the pundits are leaning contrary to the point of view. I've already heard people say that it's racism if you don't think Obama would make a good president. I was actually told by my boss that he heard a woman say that Hillary would make a great president. Her rationale: She's a woman. Until we get beyond the petty differences of race, gender, and religion, we'll never have open, honest, intellectual debate in this country.

-I do not wish for a second coming of JFK. I have never for a moment believed that he was a great President. What put him above other candidates was is youthful exuberance... his spunk, if you will. Let's look at the last few elections:
2000: older white man vs. older white man
2004: older white man vs. older white man
2008: really older white man vs. not-quite-so-old black man vs. older white woman
Please note the important adjective in play here: OLDER.
Older candidates do not necessarily make better candidates. Experience helps, absolutely, but so does charisma. And we all know that charisma means nothing if you have no substance. So what I meant in saying that we need a younger JFK-like candidate was that we need someone who will break the mold of older candidates.

Now I'm tired.
Good night, and may God bless.

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