Sunday, May 11, 2008

How Do I Title This?

The Rush is over.
The Dust is settled.
The crowd has gone home.

The Diploma is now neatly framed, with the tassle, and hanging on the living room wall.
The bookbag has been stowed in the closet, not to see the light of day for at least a year or so.

I've got four and a half months until the GRE.
I have free time. Lot's a free time. Of course, I'm working everyday, pulling down 40 to 45 hours a week, now. But it seems empty, because there's no more class. I'm not saying I have no class... I just have no class(es) to take. I'm done. Graduation signaled a lot of things.

I'm the first in my family to graduate college, or more precisely, earn a Bachelor's degree. I pride myself on that fact. Now, my friends will tell you that I'm egotistical... and they're right... at least concerning academics. Don't let the GPA fool you. I'm proud of my intelligence. For a long time I considered it the one good aspect of my being. Now, it's one of a few... on a list that seems to grow daily.

My dad asked me the other day why I don't sign up and try-out for a spot on Jeopardy!? I'm thinking about it. I realized that I am the epitome of a late-bloomer. I've basically waited until my mid-twenties to start doing things. Some of it I regret, but mostly, I couldn't be happier with the choices I've made in life.

I'm going to start writing again, and I mean really writing. I've got one of those ideas that stays in your head forever, and you know that if you don't write it... well, let's just say you know you have to write it.

Oh, and the music! I bought my first bass the other day, and I love it. I've played guitar for about ten years now, and the bass is so different that it's amazing. Plus, my musical taste is all over the spectrum now, so I have a wide array of things to learn. I'm basically a learning junkie.

My new-found free time is teaching me a lot about me.
Robert, find the chain-smoking monkey and the abacus, we've got studying to do!

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