Saturday, April 19, 2008

Strumsticks: New Bands in my Life

As most of you will have realized by my last post, I play guitar. I've always talked about playing guitar, and I've actually had a friend who thought I was one of those guys who always talked about guitar, and actually owned one, but never played.

Well, now I've picked up a new instrument: the strumstick. It's a member of the guitar family, though far smaller and has only three strings. The sound is distinctly folk, almost country, but in the right hands the strumstick might as well be an angelic harp.

That's not to say that mine are the right hands, they're far from, but I can rip a fierce "Scotland the Brave" on it.

So, the strumstick is new to me, but it feels right.

So, new bands in my life...
Sparky's Flaw: These guys opened for O.A.R. the other night at the concert at the college. Really awesome stuff, and the guys were pretty cool, too. Check 'em out on YouTube. The songs "All That I Am" and the new song are particularly good.

Something Corporate: True, mainstream pop rock, but just let the piano kick in and you'll understand why...

White Stripes: I don't listen to a lot of FM radio, and apparently this group's been kicking around for a while. But I happened upon the video for "You Don't Know What Love Is" the other day and fell completely and totally enamored.

Okay, short post, but you'll get more later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"White Stripes: I don't listen to a lot of FM radio, and apparently this group's been kicking around for a while."

Ah the White Stripes - takes me back to my first semester at NGCSU in August 2003. "Fell in Love With A Girl" was their big hit at the time. Really liked it and started listening to them from then on. They're an odd pair, but they make some cool music.

Cheers mate!