Saturday, April 26, 2008

Ceasefire: simplicity

On the television show M*A*S*H, in the final episode, the doctors of the four-oh-double-seven are operating away on wounded soldiers, listening to a war report on the radio. The calm-steady voice of the reporter is broken by gun fire, which abruptly stops. The reports says something to the effect of, "There it is. The ceasefire."

This sensation fairly accurately describes how I felt today. You see, I took my last undergraduate final exam today. I graduate in less than a week. But for the last couple of semesters I've basically wandered the campus, talking to myself, and being the typical Jaded Senior.

And as I walked out of the room where I had taken the final, a smile broke across my face. The gun fire, or in my case, the pseudo-schizophrenic ramblings of a troubled English major mind, came to a halt. For once the air was calm.

I was done. I don't have to take another class as an undergraduate.
I think Happy Dog says it best. Good night, and may God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, I remember that feeling. It really is odd. I, of course, had to make the WWI analogy with the shooting come to a halt - but Korea works as well.

I could use that feeling right about now...