Friday, November 02, 2007


Last night was Shantytown, the annual event to raise money for Habitat for Humanity. Of course, jocularity ensues when you get that many college students together with that much duct tape, cardboard, and spray paint.

I wasn't part of the event itself, but I did donate some money and, with some friends, bought a lot and constructed a shanty. It was a good, clear night, perfect for stargazing. Colin and I noted at least two satellites, which was kinda awesome.

Once the actual shanty was done we realized that we had nearly half our cardboard left over. Davis proceeded to build a tower, which I eventually ended up in. By tower, I mean he stacked six boxes on top of each other, leaving the inside completely open. If you've never been in a cardboard box tower, it's loads of fun. Especially when you know you're going to fall, all the better.

It took about ten minutes for me to finally fall and nearly kill myself. I got some help from Colin, who, as it happens, was NOT in a cardboard box tower. I stayed on the ground for a couple of minutes, laughing so hard I thought I might vomit. Just kidding, but it was funny. Don't worry, Michele took pictures, and they'll probably show up at some point.

The evening wore on and the band kept playing. The intoxicating scent of spray paint fumes filled the air and nearly caused Lauren to pass out. A few shooting stars later it was time to depart. I'm glad I was there.

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