Thursday, November 15, 2007

99: Not My Computer

I'm sitting in the Great Room, typing on a computer that isn't mine, hence the title of this post. This is the first official Right Wing post ever typed completely on a laptop, meaning it's slighty better than the rest, also, we're on the cusp of the 100th Post in our history. Robert over at Skewed made a huge deal about his 100th post and Fred tore him a new one for it. Well, the only person here that could've said anything about our celebration is Sanjay, and as you know, Sanjay is still MIA.

So, onto the celebration. Our first thought here at The Right Wing was what we've accomplished over the course of these 99 posts. We started with some wacky stuff about politics, and some fairly mean-spirited stuff about Ray Nagin. Lately, we've been on a kick about predicting football outcomes (and failing miserably I might add). During that time, Sanjay appeared, brnging with him the Greater Good, a desire for mankind to make the world a little better for everone else.

It was just brought to my attention by the person whose computer I'm using that (though not by her, if that makes any sense) that my blog actully has a readership of somewhere between zero and nought, and that I'm therefore writing merely because I enjoy writing, If this is true, then too bad, I'm gonna keep doing it.

What else do I want to talk about.... oh, that's right, HOCKEY! The greatest sport rolls on, and you really should see it. She whose laptop I'm using went to her first game Saturday last and she was more excited than I was. It was a blast.

Life, it seems, goes on unburdened. Apparently, the purpose of a blog is to reveal your deepest, mostest intimate secret to the world. Mine is this: I love socks. They keep your feet warm, which is really all a person can ask for, if you think about it...

Or can a person ask for more? Expect more? Sure, but I don't take myself seriously enough to worry about it. It doesn't depress me to not take myself seriously... If more of the people who had taken themselves seriously had not taken themselves seriously the world would be a much better place. Prime example: Suicide bombers. If suicide bombers took themselves less seriously, they wouldn't pack explosives, they would pack confetti. Instead of dangerous, shrapnel filled explosions, the guy would stand up on a crowded bus, scream, pull a cord, and brightly colored scraps of paper would rain down on everyone. The only way that situation is funnier... muppets.

Really, mppets make everything funnier. Think of something horrifying, a plane crash, for instance. Now, think of it with muppets.

Well, that's it, I'm out of ideas. And I'm beautiful... wait, did I just lose control of my own blog? Maybe. Oh well. Goodnight, and may God bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me thinks you need to type on this girl's laptop more often. That was a fantastic post.

Way to take the confetti to the next step, and you're right... muppets make everything funnier.

How about muppets with whiffle bats? What, too soon?