Monday, January 14, 2008

A Quick Thought on Ron Paul

I like him. He makes more sense than any of the other candidates. I think he might even try to return some power to the states. He follows the Constitution, and he seemingly cares about his constituents.

So why do so many people dislike him?

I might be way off base here, but Ron Paul is viewed somewhat unfavorably by most because he doesn't sugarcoat his message with the nice little politically correct "what the government can do for you" lines. He comes out and says flatly that the government is not empowered by the Constitution, it is restrained by said document. The government is not meant to be the money tree that it has become.

Paul is also truly more conservative than any of the other Republican candidates. Yet John McCain and Mitt Romney are the ones held up as the sterling examples of the conservative ideal. McCain is, as I previously stated, untrustworthy in my opinion. Romney, much like Mike Huckabee, has based more of his campaign in religion than politics, which really does not sit well with me.

But Ron Paul is saying the right things at the right time. He, unlike other Republicans, has shown true disdain for the war. Paul balances his anti-Iraq War stance with other issues in the campaign, like immigration. The man is brilliant, and has truly won my support.

What saddens me is the level of depravity revealed by other Ron Paul supports. Watch the news and you'll see what I mean...

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