Tuesday, February 06, 2007

This Week in the Crazy

Hello, all. Sanjay here, leading off what will hopefully become at least a bi-monthly article here at The Right Wing. We're calling it "This Week in the Crazy." Blake has entrusted me with the following segment:

Commercial Stupidity and the Following Outrage

I'm sitting here in the office, web-surfing and pulling together tidbits of knowledge for the next blog entry when I come across this.

I watched the Super Bowl. I found the commercials to be a bit lackluster. My favorites were the Blockbuster ad about using a "mouse," and the Chevy commercial where the assembly line machine is having a dream. Good stuff.

This Snickers commercial did not offend me. I actually thought it was funny. Hey, it could have been much, much worse. Now, though, Mars, Inc., the maker of Snickers, is apparently pulling the spot because they received a complaint. Here's where I draw the line. I don't care if you're pro-gay, or totally homophobic. It's a commercial.

If the commercial offends you, then change the channel, it's not like you don't have 185 more options out there. I hear that the dish actually has over a thousand channels. Just because something offends you doesn't mean we all have to lose it. You have control, exercise it.

Blake, take over, I'm ticked,

The Best Video Game On Every System Blake Has Ever Owned

NES: Super Mario Brothers 3. This game had it all.

The plot was just crazy, man! Bowser's up to his old tricks, trying to take over the world and all, but now you don't just fight Bowser, but you have to fight his kids and recover magic wands to restore kings to their original forms.

You fight, in typical Japanese video game/animation style, in wooden ships that can fly thanks to a single, solitary propeller.

This is one of, if not the, highest selling games of all time. I'm proud to have owned it, and even happier to have it for the GameBoy Advance.

Tune in next time for the Nintendo 64 game:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time... quite possibly the best video game ever made.

The Politics of International Terrorism and the American Response

For those of you unconcerned with political matters, feel free to stop reading. This little segment deals with a growing problem in America today. It seems to me, your humble blogger, that many Americans graduated Class of 1939, from the Neville Chamberlain, Peace in our Time University. (thanks ajc.com The Vent)

A vast number of the vocal American political class and the voting public seem to think that if we just ignore Islamic fundamentalism, then it will simply disappear. This same line of thought appeared during the build-up to WWII. Hitler was appeased by a large number of European leaders, in hopes that he would be satisfied with just a bit. But their ignorance allowed the problem to reach its climax, and global conflict ensued.

Now, in the face of a similar enemy, the belief that appeasement will work has once again reared its ugly head. Remember, the Islamic extremists who brought about the destruction on 9-11-2001 were very patient. They first tried to destroy the building in 1993, but they failed. Eight years later, they left a crater in New York City. They hit the Pentagon, and were thankfully thwarted on a fourth plane.

It's now been five years since that day. The Pentagon still stands. I wouldn't be surprised if they return for it. But that's apparently what it's gonna take to wake people up in this country. Our enemy is willing to wait for generations to gain what they want. The American public isn't willing to wait three years. Our enemy waited eight years before returning to a target and finishing the job. The American public is upset that we've been in Iraq and Afghanistan for over four years. See the difference.

I'm leaving this one for you, the reader to investigate, but from what I understand, there is, or has been, a case in Saudi Arabia where a woman is awaiting trial, and likely execution, because she fought back against being raped. This is the great enemy of our time, but if the fight takes too long, or if it interferes with our nightly TV schedule, the American public isn't sure the fight is worth it.

If you don't like it, do something about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super Mario Bros 3! YES! Best NES game of all time... can still hear that music when you jump onto the pirate ship.

Good times man... thanks for the memories. Hard to believe that's nearly 20 years ago...