Thursday, February 22, 2007

Short Shift... that's a hockey term...

I sit here today berated by illness and injury. My knee still hurts, only not nearly as bad as it once did, but now I'm sick. I can't stop coughing, sneezing, etc. Everytime I cough, my entire body hurts. If that's ever happened to you, you know it's not fun. I'm at my friends apartment at the moment, because I still have 2 hours until my next class. I'm here today for the short shift that follows...

The American Media: The NEW Roman Spectator

I call the American media the new Roman spectator because they are seemingly out for blood everytime they put pen to paper, or finger to keyboard. They don't care if the blood is American, British, Iraqi, etc. Doesn't matter if it came from a soldier defending freedom, or from an Islamic insurgent trying to wrest back the freedoms being given by those soldiers. Although, the American media is more likely to put the story on the front page of the paper, or in the first eleven minutes of the news broadcast if Americans died in whatever attacks.

Just watch the coverage of Iraq and, occassionally, Afghanistan. It seems highly unlikely to me that our soldiers could've been in Iraq for over three years and still only bad things happen. I actually heard a reporter the other day, and it pains me that I can't remember the channel, bring up Abu Ghraib again. I thought we were past that, but in the media we aren't.

I know that I'm going to tick off my left-leaning counterparts when I say this, but the mainstream news media in this country has a horrible record concerning President Bush. If the story makes him look bad, run it on the front page three times. If a story makes Bush look good, hide it as far back as possible, or don't print it at all.

Once again, I direct your attention to Abu Ghraib. What's the point of bringing that up? What victory does that gain anyone? Do I like what happened there? No. But I'll say this, if putting underwear on our enemy's head gets our enemy to tell us where his West-hating friends are hiding and what they're planning, I'll gladly donate some boxers to the effort.

But that's your assignment, kids. Watch the news, if you can stomach it, and see what I mean.

P.S.: Keith Olberrmann, get over it. Your show does about1/20 the ratings of Bill O'Reilly. You really make MSNBC look good by coming out and slamming their competitor that's constantly beating the crap out of you.

P.P.S.: Rennie, on your playground fight, you left out the part about how the kid before George had an official playground policy to remove Ahmed from the sandbox, and George only made good on it.

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