Monday, January 08, 2007

Post 45: Let the Games Begin

Alright kids, we're back in the groove known as Spring Semester. I'd hoped to be rid of you people by May, but turns out we'll have to deal with each other until December. Like roomates from different cultures, this partnership is sure to go sour, but it'll make one great ABC sitcom.

I'm writing this to you from the scenic Computer Lab on the first floor of Dunlap hall.

Let's start with the obvious. Parking. Bane of the commuter. I've solved this problem by parking at my friend's apartment on the beautiful Dahlonega square and walking to class, but not everyone has that luxury. Plus, it's not really the greatest for me as I learned this morning that I have fluid build-up on my left knee. I'm in a knee brace now that allows my leg to bend about three degrees and that's that. So it took a bit longer to walk over here, I need the exercise.

Now there's seemingly 18,000 students car-jousting for 35 spaces. You see, NGCSU, in their infinite wisdom, closed off about half of the commuter lots in order to, and you'd better sit down for the load of irony that's about to hit you, build a parking deck. Typical institutional thinking. Did they offer to make parking available elsewhere? No. Did they look in to opening a temporary parking lot off-campus and running shuttle buses back and forth? Nope. Did they single-handedly screw up a semester's worth of parking? You bet your butt they did.

Let's move on to the less-obvious. I'm going it alone this semester. My trusty gang of Grubbs and Rennie are gone. Retired, if you will, to a community of twenty-somethings in Florida. Playing Bingo every Tuesday and telling anyone who will listen about their grandkids that they don't even have. I'm happy for them, and I'm curious to see what will happen to my grades this time around. I made four Bs and two As last semester. If I can get better then I'll know those two kept me down.

Now, the portion of the show called "What I Missed Most." I get to see the whiny freshmeat... er freshmen, again. This time they've got one semester of experience under their belts and they're ticked off about it. They obviously know everything. Well, as resident Jaded Senior, it falls my lot to remind them of somethings Rennie said last semester, simply to reiterate a few points.

1. I don't care about your problems, that's why they're called your problems.
2. I have my own work to do, don't ask me where certain places are. I can tell you're lost, but it's still your problem.
3. I need to graduate in December, so professors, please go easy on a worn down soul.
4. I'm tired already, stupid knee fluid.

So that's my story. Day one of Spring Semester 2007. Look for special editions of the Right Wing throughout the next few months. Also, Sanjay returns from the broom closet with a new perspective on life.

Good night, and good luck.

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