Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day Tea Parties

I'm not exactly sure how to go about this. See, a while back I changed the format of the Right Wing to sports and nostalgic humor, and I dropped politics. But I think this requires mention.

Today is Tax Day. Every April 15th you have to get your taxes in or suffer penalties. Firstly, let me state that if we didn't have such a horrifyingly complex tax structure in this country then these tea parties probably wouldn't happen. Of course, when 10% of Americans are paying 72% of the taxes, and roughly 50% of the nation pays next to no taxes at all, it'll be hard to make a change. But these Tea Parties are the first step.

And There are some bastions of conservatism that claim that the Federal government is attempting to draw attention away from the tea parties. President Obama is reportedly making speeches about how the economy is turning around at a more rapid rate than believed possible. And Homeland Security has reportedly released a report that returning veterans could become radicalized right-wing extremists. Sad.

It is a true grass roots movement happening. 5000 people showed up in Cincinnati. Thousands are expected in Atlanta. Sean Hannity will be hosting his nightly show from the steps of the Georgia Capital building.

People are rising up and saying that enough is enough. Taxpayers are tired of essentially being punished for their success so that the "less fortunate" can be given money instead of earning it. And I know that some people have been through bad situations. But at the same time there are freeloaders out there who make their living off receiving welfare money from the fed.

I hope these Tea Parties get out the right message.

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