Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Once more for the home team: an unfinished thought

Sometimes The Right Wing takes a very light-hearted point of view of the events occurring around us. Sometimes, we don’t. Lately, we’ve been very political here, and for good reason. I’m hearing endless debate out of Washington. The Congressional Democrats are investigating anything that they can get their hands on, something they promised us they wouldn’t do. For over six years the Bush Administration and Congress has spent more money than almost any Congress ever, possibly more, I don’t have the figures. This expressly goes against everything that the conservative movement stands for. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi want to tell our enemies when the exact date that we are going to stop fighting in Iraq, George Bush still isn’t sure we’ll ever stop fighting in Iraq. Reid went so far as to call the war lost. Surprisingly enough, he didn’t say who we lost to.

Is the war lost? No. Emphatically No! Can we lose it? Yeah, we can. Can we win it? Absolutely. The biggest problem facing the way this war is viewed in the public is the fact that Americans want everything solved quickly. If CSI can solve a murder in one hour, then why haven’t we won a war that’s lasted four years? That’s the mindset.

But what about WMDs? Bush sent us to war saying that Saddam had WMDs and we found none, zip, zilch, zero… Okay, save your breath. Dennis Miller stated the other day that, had we actually found WMDs in Iraq, more Americans would probably be dead now. Instead of thinking it’s a good thing that none were found, we’re all upset. I’m glad there were no WMD there. I know that it makes us look a bit foolish, but I’d rather live looking like a fool, then die seriously.
“But Bush lied about it all, he said things that weren’t true, he…” Get over this line. You’ve used the same argument for the last four years. We get it. I’m struggling to see how Bush can be the idiot that so many liberals claim he is, but yet he can mastermind such evil. George Bush is apparently so stupid that he can’t even speak in coherent sentences, yet he was able to steal two elections. According to certain factions on the left, Bush is a stuttering imbecile who can barely feed himself, and somehow he managed to destroy the levees in New Orleans. He obviously knows nothing of foreign or domestic policy, yet he, along with Cheney and Rove, brought down the World Trade Center. Go ahead, far left, keep talking, it amuses me.

A few nights ago at the Republican Presidential Candidates Debate, Ron Paul essentially stated that US foreign policy was the chief cause of 9/11. I’m not taking any party lines here, and I’m sure that our foreign policy played some role in the attacks, but I don’t believe it was the chief cause. Later on, Republican Tom Tancredo called Paul a true Libertarian. That statement deserves clarification. Ron Paul is not a true Libertarian. He isn’t even representative of the Libertarian Party. Libertarians understand the threat Islamic fundamentalism is to our way of life. We don’t hate Muslims, and we sure don’t blame America first, as Paul was willing to do. Libertarians stand strongly for many issues. I don’t even agree wholeheartedly with the Libertarian Party, but that doesn’t sway my support of them.

So yeah, I feel justified in this political swing, and it doesn’t end there. We going political one more time, and this time I’m taking no prisoners. There are some that I agree with, and some I don’t.

I was surfing through the channels the other night and I cam across Newt Gingrich making an appearance on The O’Reilly Factor. Now, I’m no fan of Bill O’Reilly, which was good, because Michelle Malkin was hosting the show for him, but something Newt said caught my attention. I’m going to paraphrase, as I’ve not yet found the transcript for the show, but Newt said something to the effect of the people in this country being ready to throw out the Republicans and the Democrats, sparking a new grassroots revolution. In olden times language like that would earn you an appointment with the hangman’s noose. Now, thankfully, it’s welcome.

We’ve known for years that a revolution was coming. I felt that it would be a taxpayer revolution, and darned if it doesn’t look like it will be. The Fair Tax, a twenty-some-odd year old plan, is finally gathering steam. Libertarians have been behind the idea for years, now some Republicans, and even some Democrats are jumping on board. I’d like it tell you all about it, but there isn’t time right now. Go to to learn more.

Point 9973: Heard on Fox News' Half Hour News Hour: The INS and the federal government are investigating Michael Moore’s trip to Cuba and subsequent return, not because he didn’t have a visa, but because 187 Cubans floated to American clinging to him.

1 comment:

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