Monday, July 10, 2006

Random rants on life

1. So I'm reading Drudge Report the other day (the day Kenneth Lay died) and Drudge has a link to an AP story about the death, and in the third paragraph is a line that reads, "Lay -nicknamed Kenny-boy by President Bush - was 64 at the time of death" or something to that effect. The point being that President Bush should not have even been mentioned in the article, let alone any details of his nickname for Lay. The AP should be ashamed for having to go to such lengths to drag the name of the President through the mud. Just another case of trying to tie Bush to fraudulent big business.

2. The World Cup is over and insomniacs now have to wait another four years for an event as likely to put them to sleep. Italy defeated Fance on penalty kicks, which is quite possibly the lamest excuse for a way to settle a championship that I've ever seen. This is equivalent to reaching game 7 of the World Series and saying "Alright, we're tied at the end of fifteen inning so we'll settle this with a home run derby." Even hockey, that has a shootout during the regular season, shuns such a spectacle during the playoffs, opting for continuous overtime sudden death play until someone wins. The manner in which the World Cup was decided is both cheap and insulting to fans worldwide.

3. I'm glad to see the war on global Islamic terror is still going. Thankfully the cut-and-run Democrats are making such fools of themsleves that the nation is realizing the threat they pose.

4. enough said.

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