Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Another Set of Random Insensitivities

- We thought George W. Bush was bad. We really did. Most of us with any knowledge of foreign policy cringed whenever he "cowboy'd" up. And his spending? Wow, I thought Republicans were for smaller government, but Bush and his administration really raised the bar on government spending...that is, until Barack H. Obama. In just three years, Obama has seen more debt added to this nation than Bush did in eight years. The Congress was under majority Democrat control for most of that time.

And Obama has a penchant for something most Presidents don't do in public. He loves scolding the Supreme Court. He did it during a State of the Union Address after the Citizens United ruling. Now, the Court is debating and ruling on ObamaCare, which is without doubt the landmark of Obama's political legacy. Trouble is, the centerpiece of the legislation, the individual mandate to purchase health insurance, might not be Constitutional. If the Court rules the mandate unconstitutional, then the entire law could be struck down.

Remember, this was a law that was rammed through Congress. It took some political wrangling for Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to see the legislation to the President's Desk. Pelosi went so far as to mock a reporter who asked about the constitutionality of the bill. John Conyers made up Constitutional Clauses to allow Congress the power to require American citizens to purchase a product. He even admitted that he hadn't read the whole bill (honestly, who had? it was 2700 pages and the Democrats rammed it through with barely time to vote on it).

Now Obama says that the Supreme Court should be careful in this situation. His exact words: "Ultimately, I am confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress... " Let me clarify a few things. First, this law was not passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress. The law barely scraped through both chambers. It received no Republican votes. Secondly, Mr. President, it is the JOB of the SUPREME COURT to overturn laws that it deems unconstitutional. That's part of the balance of power in this nation. And since when is it unprecedented for the Supreme Court to overturn a law? They've been overturning laws since 1803. That's 209 years of practice. The Court is already unhappy with President Obama for his childish behavior in comparison to other Presidents. You want to scold the Court? Fine, do it behind closed doors. Don't air your dirty laundry on the floor of the House.

- The Trayvon Martin case just keeps going. Personally, I love how no one is rushing to judgment without the facts. Okay, that bit of sarcasm aside... Let's get the whole case from the police before we start saying the following:
"Travyon was hunted down like a rabid dog. He was shot in the street. He was racially profiled."
"I really personally believe this is a hate crime."
"He was executed for WWB in a GC...Walking While Black in a Gated Community."
Those three quotes come from elected officials in our federal government. Our President took time out of his busy day to say that if he'd had a son, his son would look like Trayvon. So much for an unbiased approach. Yet none of them mentioned a white teenager in Kansas City being attacked and set on fire by two black teenagers. Not one of them mentioned that NBC news had "selectively edited" the 911 call to make George Zimmerman seem like a racist.

Understand, I'm not trying to sound racist. I don't think it is racist to point out the differing response to these cases. In both instances, a young man was attacked. In one instance a young white man was attacked by two young black men. In the other instance, a black man was attacked by an older half white / half Peruvian man. Only one of these two instances drew the attention of the media, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and our President.

-One last thing on the Martin case... have you noticed how George Zimmerman is constantly referred to as a "white Hispanic?" He has a white father and a Peruvian mother. Barack Obama has a white mother and a black father, yet no one calls him a "white African-American." Just a thought.

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