Monday, November 01, 2010

Choose Wisely

Tomorrow is Election Day, and yeah I'm a bit late in writing this.

Election Day is a big day for those of us who still believe that this is an exceptional country. Some of us, stupid as it may seem to others, refuse to believe that the United States of America no longer holds a special place in the world. Some of us actually cringe to see our president bowing to foreign leaders. Last I checked, he was one the same level as they, so no bowing is necessary. We are subject to no foreign nation, at least until congress completes the sale of our birthright to China.

And it just so happens that you, the voter, are given a chance every two years or so to have a say at the national level. This is your golden opportunity to make your voice heard.

You may think that the Democrat-controlled Congress has gone too far. You may think that Barack Obama is the best President ever. You may just hate being taxed every time you turn around. Well, say something about it.

Personally, I plan to deliver a message. I did it once, letting the Republicans know just how unhappy I was. Now, I doubt that the RNC had a meeting to discuss my ballot, but multiply my voice by millions and you get a loud message.

Now, we're seeing a liberal majority that believed the election (or coronation, depending on your feelings about the man) of Barack Obama gave them a mandate to do whatever they wished. They pushed through a healthcare reform monstrosity of a bill, 2500 pages, that our dear sweet Speaker of the House told us had to be passed so we, the people, could find out what was in it.

As town hall meetings were held, and the Democrats learned just how unhappy their constituencies were, they backed away from the forum. Barack Obama held nearly-scripted sessions with pre-screened audiences. Heaven forbid Barack ever be called out for something.

But that's not all. President Obama, recently speaking to a group of Latino voters, said "If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us,’ if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it’s gonna be harder and that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2."

That's right, a sitting American President referred to people who disagree with your political point of view, in this case majority liberal, as enemies who must be punished. This is not the language of a sitting President. That's the language of a petty little kid who is incapable of handling defeat. Just look at the man's record. He won his first elected position because the other candidates were kicked off the ballot. When he won the Presidency, he basically told the Republicans that certain arguments were over because he had won.

So tomorrow, when you go to the polling place, remember. Remember what each politician has said. Remember what they did after they said those things. But more importantly than any of that... remember that you have the power. People shouldn't fear their government. Government should fear its people. That's freedom.

Choose Wisely.

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