Thursday, May 27, 2010

How did it come to this?

To set the mood for this entry, please listen to this song while reading:

Now, I look around and wonder how it ever got this bad. I mean, there's thousands upon thousands of gallons of crude oil spilling into the gulf everyday, and the President is off raising money for a senator that will in all likelihood be voted out. He even planned to go back to Chicago instead of figure out, or at least give the appearance of trying to figure out, what to do in light of this crisis.

Then, this arrogant narcissist of a president has the gall to say that he takes full responsibility for the clean up. Sure, after Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal begged for federal permit to dredge up barrier islands to protect the marshes, permit he was denied, now that BP has pushed through the "top kill" method (that may or may not be working), Obama swoops in to claim responsibility. He even plays the sympathy card, saying that his daughter asked him if he had plugged the hole yet. As if Lord Almighty Barack* was going to walk on water to the site of the spill, dive down and plug the hole with his own will.

Nice move, though, Barry. Way to capitalize on the situation.

Meanwhile, the world sits on a razor's edge while Europe screws around economically, threatening to push us all back into the dark ages. I read the other day that one false move in Europe could send the world into an unrecoverable economic spiral. I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of having Europe dictate my future.

Heck, I'm sick and tired of out-of-touch politicians in Washington dictating my future. You want to know why so many incumbents are going to lose in November? Because Obama, Reid, and Pelosi has pushed as hard as they can to turn a right-of-center nation into a Euro-socialist paradise where the private sector offers little in terms of compensation and the government hands out everything.

The government has crammed unpopular bill after despised bill down the throats of the American people, and when we rise up and say that we don't like it, they call us seditious. Well guess what, we freakin' elected you. You answer to us, not the other way around. You don't like, well, no one made you run for office in the first place. You can't take the heat, then get out of our kitchen.

The backlash is coming. So go ahead, keep calling the tea partiers a bunch of racists. Keep calling anyone who disagrees with Obama seditious. Deval Patrick, a few days ago, said that the opposition to Obama was borderline seditious. Woody Allen said that Obama should be made dictator so that he can accomplish "more good" faster. Allen also said that he wished the Republicans would just get out of the way and stop trying to hurt (poor, little, sensitive) Barack**. (I added the poor little sensitive line. I'm tired of people telling me that the Republicans are hurting Barack. ***)

By the way, where in the crap was this "sedition" talk for the eight years of ridicule and anger directed at George W. Bush? Oh, I guess it was okay because he wasn't a caring, beneficent, sort-of-a-god like Obama.

Keep trying to pitch socialism to a capitalist nation. I don't condone violent revolt, but the similarities between what the Obama Administration is currently doing, and what the government of King George III in the late 1700s did astounds me.
Keep oppressing the opposition and see what happens.

Don't tread on me.

*I feel better in knowing that the text spelling out Barack's name on my computer here said the name was misspelled. One of the suggestions for the correct spelling: Barabbas.
For those of you not in the know, Barabbas was the prisoner (read: actually guilty) that was pardoned so that Christ could be crucified.

** Heh, there it is again.

***Third time's a charm!

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