Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Random Points, Part Whatever It Is At This Point
Go ahead. Click the link. You know you want to.
That link takes you to a site sponsored by the US Treasury, unveiling the new $100 bill, debuting in February 2011. Judging by the quality of the video, I'd say it cost more than one of these new $100s to create. It makes me wonder, in an economy as bad as ours, how we can create a video to unveil new money. Just say that we have a new bill coming out and let's move forward.

Now click this link. This is hilarious to me. An NBC reporter happen upon a black man at a Tea Party rally. Now lately the game has been to cast all Tea Parties and Tea Party members as racists. In fact, the word "racist" has been so overused lately that I don't put much stock in those who use it anymore. Anyway, this reporter asks the man about if he ever felt uncomfortable at the Tea Party rallies. God bless this man for his answer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In response to your second video - well played by the guy in question.

Now, on to what I really want to talk about. That has to be, without doubt, the most pretentious, arrogant, over the top video I've ever seen to unveil money. It's as though they're saying "yes, we know the economy is just barely recovering, and you've likely not seen a $100 bill in months but look at the awesomeness that is our new bill!" You'd think they were unveiling the next Call of Duty game with the flashy "3D security ribbon!"

Wow, so on that nauseating note, I'm out of here.