small town girl who made her way onto the political scene in one of the
most powerful energy-producing states in the Union. She's a former mayor,
and governor. She's a hockey mom with a child soon to deploy to Iraq.
And for some reason she is frightening to the left.
She is Sarah Palin, Republican Nominee for Vice-President of the United
States of America.
To get an idea of the level of fright and hatred this woman has inspired on the left, look no further than the covers of US Weekly. A few months back they ran a cover story featuring a lovely picture of Barack and Michelle Obama with the title "Why He Loves Her." Then, after Palin was announced as John McCain's VP candidate, and the news came to light that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, US Weekly ran a cover story with a picture of Palin and the headline "Sarah Palin: Babies, Lies, & Scandal."
Of course, no one has mentioned the fact that Obama's mother was a teenager
when she had him.

Sarah Palin is a reformer, also. And not just one in name only. Palin's first few acts as Governor of Alaska were to cut back the perks entitled to the highest office in the state. Perks that, of course, were paid for by tax-payers. Palin didn't bow to the pressure of the oil companies, either. Instead, she worked diligently to return power to the hands of the tax-paying populace, something the left seems to have forgotten about.
Obama and Biden have strove to evoke the spirit of Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, but they failed to realize that the Democratic Party is no longer the party of FDR or JFK. Sure, the name is still the same, but the ideals and convictions have changed. The Republicans have their own heroes to idolize, but unlike the Democrats, Palin actually seems more in line with the Reagan model of conservative politics.
Oddly enough, the candidate espousing "Change" as his message chose one of the longest-serving Senators as his running mate. The candidate who is supposedly "out of touch" with America chose a governor who is untouched by Washington politics as his. Joe Biden has been involved in the corruption, such as pork barrel spending. In at least one case, Sarah Palin refused such spending when Washington passed the memo along to Juneau.
Obama's message lately has been that a McCain-Palin administration would merely be another term for George Bush, because according to Obama, McCain votes with Bush 90% of the time. Here's a question that I have: Since when does the President get a vote in the Senate? That's right, he doesn't. And by the way, most Senate votes are unanimous. That means that if Obama and McCain vote on the same issue, then Obama is, in his own words, voting with George Bush.
Obama even mentioned that in the last 30 years Washington has done very little on energy production. His big point was that McCain had been in Washington for 27 of those years. He failed to mention that his running mate, Joe Biden, had been in Washington for all 30 of those years.
Sarah Palin called out Barack Obama by saying that, going back to his start in the Illinois State Senate to the present day, Obama has written two memoirs, but not a single piece of legislation or reform. Her best line turned Obama's own message against him. There are those who use change to promote their careers, and there are those who use their careers to promote change.
Obama mentioned raising taxes on the wealthiest people, typically the top few percent of wage earners, and while I agree that if you make more money you should pay more money, the wealthiest one percent is already paying more than ten percent of the tax burden. As Palin pointed out, under Obama's plan taxes would go up on this group. A large majority of the wealthiest one percent are business owners. If taxes go up on them, thus shrinking their profit margins, then they are forced to either downsize, or outsource in order to remain profitable. Yet, we're told that Obama's plan is good for America.
I'm not one hundred percent sold on Sarah Palin just yet, but it speaks volumes about her character that, at the moment McCain announced her as his running mate, the liberals in the media went into full attack mode, using anything and everything they could find to tear her down. Going so far as to attack her family, and causing their own nominee to say "Enough. Families are off limits."
I'm interested to hear why Palin scares them so much...
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