Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fourth-Grade Energy Policy

I'm browsing the web and I see that Drudge has put up a link leading to this story from the Portland (Maine) Press Herald. Apparently a group of fourth-graders have stumbled upon the true secret of the impending destructions from global warming.

Now, as most of you know, I'm kinda skeptical. Not necessarily on Global Warming itself, because data indicate that temperatures are on the rise (albeit slightly). I'm skeptical of the cause. The argument that man-made CO2 is the culprit doesn't really hold up when the science shows that CO2 levels rise after the temp goes up. I know that the sun is warmer now than it was a few years back. It goes through these cycles, naturally.

Al Gore likes to show you graphs with only the science he wants you to know. Global warming activists will tell you that the science is in and the debate is over. I know I'm an English major, but can you really say that a scientific debate is ever over? Isn't that the whole point of science, to debate issues facing us?

Anyway, back to these fourth-grade meterologists... Here is a statement that appears in the Portland Press Herald: "We want everyone to help curb Global warming. It truly means that the Earth is getting warmer. The ocean is warming at such an alarming rate that the continents are in danger. " The continents are in danger? How can a statement like that be taken credibly? The continents? Millions of square miles of dry land, most of it a couple of hundred feet or more above (current) sea level. Now it's all in danger?

I'm happy to have followed the news on the global warming issue this year. GW demonstrations were snowed out in DC. Denver has noted the 9 of its 12 warmest years on record happened before 1955, way before the global warming scare. It's snowing in Sweden today. Nice.

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