Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rocked Like A Hurricane...

Well, it's Sunday. The weekend is almost over and work looms once more on the horizon. But this wasn't your normal, run-of-the-mill weekend.

This was GRE weekend.

For those of you not in the know, the GRE is the Graduate Record Examination. It is a test that, though not necessary for all grad schools, is definitely a help if you score high enough.

I decided about three weeks before graduation that I wanted to go to grad school. I knew it would take some time to save up money, so I talked to Robert and we decided to take the test in September. Robert entered what he called a monk-like study state. I took to the laid back approach, in an effort not to stress myself. As such, I felt the first pangs of nervousness the day before the test, after having spent months watching Robert yank his own hair out staring at math problems.

The day of the test, Friday, finally came and we made our way down to Athens and began the great "Where in the crap is Clark Howell Hall?" search of 2008. Turns out, the building was about 500 feet from where I first parked, and there was a parking deck across the street from it. Easy enough.

The test set-up is as follows: Fill out a form, in cursive, which I haven't written in cursive in about 15 years. Then go into a small room and take the test, leaving all your belongings behind in a locker. I signed a confidentiality form saying I wouldn't discuss the content of the test, so I won't. Let's just say it was quite avuncular.

The moment you finish the test, your verbal and quantitative scores are shown to you. Before these scores come up you're given the option to discard the results and act like the test never happened. I stared at that screen for the briefest of moments before deciding that I wanted to see my score. I hit PROCEED.

Verbal: 570
Quantitative: 570

That's right. 1140. My dad asked me how the test went later that evening and my reply was that I rocked it like a hurricane. I have no apprehension in sharing my score with people. I'm darn proud of it.

I finished the test a little before Robert and I waited on him outside. He wasn't happy with his score at first, but over time he calmed down and accepted it, noting it as an odd kind of reality check for his, as he called it, "ambitious ego."

Overall, I'm chalking it up as a good weekend. Sure, Georgia lost. But I made an 1140 on the GRE. I'll take that.


Anonymous said...

Your test was like an uncle? Care to explain, good sir?

Blake Duncan said...

Well, I made the test cry "Uncle" if that makes you feel better.