Thursday, April 26, 2007

Unwarranted Rebuttal

The title here is intentionally off topic, as this post is neither unwarranted, nor a rebuttal, but is instead an agreement. Today, Robert over at Skewed put up a post saying that the electoral process in this country has come down to choosing the least crappy guy for the job. As much as I hate to say it, that's really the case.

On one hand you have a bunch of GOP apologists running around and saying that the administration is 100% right, 100% of the time. On the other hand, you have a bunch of left-wingers running about saying that every single member of the administration (even the White House janitor) should be brought up for investigation. And on the third hand of the genetic mutant you have a group of people like Robert and myself who really don't care. Honestly, if we cared any less, we just might die.

I think sometimes that the best thing we can do is replace everyone in DC and start over. The Declaration says we can do, in fact, we have an obligation to do it. But we'd rather listen to the talking heads telling us who is right and why.

We'd rather tolerate the endless investigations that the Democrat controlled congress is launching. Let's see... figure out the war without cluing the enemy into our plan? That's a good thing to work on. Stabilizing a fluctuating economy by equally distributing the tax burden and taking the weight of the low-lifes who aren't even trying off the backs of those who are? Another good idea. Investigate Cheney because he looks like a ticked off schnauzer? Not so great of an idea, but let's do it anyway. Scream and shout that we're going to impeach Bush? Not so hot, but it gets us camera time. Complain that an entire portion of the tax-paying demographic, a group who is carrying roughly 3% of the burden, yet constitutes roughly 45% of wage earners, is far too burdened by the current tax system, but that the wealthiest 1%, those already carrying over 20% of the tax burden, aren't paying enough? Bad idea, but it gets people to vote for us. (those figures are real, look it up, 45-50% of wage earners in this country carry only 3.6% of the tax burden, my numbers might be a bit off, but you get my meaning).

Topics like this make me glad to be a Libertarian.

Robert, we need to find the most qualified people for the jobs. Unfortunately, the most qualified people are usually the quietest, and therefore kinda hard to find...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we need to use the following method to choose the next President of the United States.

Begin the voting via an American Idol type process of electronic and phone voting (hell, more people vote on American Idol than on the actual Presidency so why not?). The voters actually choose between one of three chimps.

The winning chimp is then taken over to a map - blindfolded, spun around three times and then told to throw a dart at a map of the United States.

Then we take the little chimp - strap a parachute on his back, fly him over the location he pointed at - and then we push the little shit out of the plane.

Once he lands - we follow him, and the first person he touches... is elected the President of the United States.

Voila - problem solved!

/loves teh Lewis Black